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Now is the time to purchase your new blender using our Blendtec Coupon. This coupon is valid for anything purchased on Blendtec.com. To get free ground shipping in the US (or $25 off) follow these easy steps. Click on the coupon above (you MUST click on it to activate the offer), place the Blendtec items you want in your cart, fill in your address information, choose shipping of $0 and complete checkout.
The Blendtec coupon is good for the new Signature Series and Designer Series blender as well as the Total Blender Classic Series. It can also be used on WildSide, FourSide or Blendtec Twister Jars. In fact, this Blendtec Coupon is good for free shipping on anything you purchase on Blendtec.com and it does not expire. Take control of your health and get a Blendtec!